Do you need some help or advice in looking after your Beardie, or perhaps an owner of one of your pups needs some hands on help or advice in their local area?
Maybe you know someone who is thinking about owning a Beardie and would like some advice, or maybe you would like to offer your experience in the breed to a newcomer?
In response to feedback from the Regional workshops it was recognised that the breed needs to encourage and support both new and repeat owners of Beardies. Many breeders already offer this support but sometimes hands on or local advice is required and the dog lives some distance from the breeder or is imported, or some owners are simply embarrased to call their breeders or feel they may be 'a nuisance'.
The JBLC have therefore developed the Bearded Collie 'Buddy' Scheme, whereby knowledgeable and experienced Beardie owners have agreed to act as a contact point for a specific area of the country. A PDF document for the Buddy Scheme is being reviewed and updated but will be downloadable from this page in the near future.
Should anyone be interested in becoming a 'Buddy' for their area they should contact the JBLC representative for the Club that they belong to for futher details.
In addition to the Buddy scheme we recognise that it is important to welcome and support new owners at events so we hope that all Beardie owners will feel it is their responsibility to provide a friendly and welcoming reception to the Breed, Breed Clubs and Bearded Collie events - after all our Beardies do!
Last Updated: 19th May 2023