Constitution of the Bearded Collie Joint Breed Liaison Committee
Statement of Intent & purpose
The purpose of the Bearded Collie Joint Breed Liaison (JBL) Committee is to safeguard the future of the Bearded Collie and improve the health, welfare and wellbeing of the breed by bringing all of the KC Registered Breed Clubs together to provide a central contact point on behalf of the breed and provide a common voice to the Kennel Club.
The Committee
- Each Club shall be entitled to two representatives on the Committee. These two people should preferably be committee members of their Club and will be nominated by their Club to represent them. In the event that a nominee is unable to attend another member of that Club (ideally from their Committee) can attend in their place. Those who are nominated should have enough understanding and experience of the breed to be able to contribute positively to the JBL Committee.
- In addition to the general committee members there will also be a Chairman and Secretary. Ideally the Chairman will be independent of the breed but should at least be independent of the Breed Clubs. The Chair and Secretary will have the support of the Breed Clubs and will be nominated and voted for by the JBLC reps of the clubs. The majority vote will win.
The posts of Chair/Secretary and Breed Health Representative will be for 2 years commencing from 1st January. They can be re-elected should the majority of the JBLC wish do so. If it is required to remove people from office mid term a formal proposal will be made to this effect and voted upon by the JBLC reps. A majority vote will win.
- The Breed Health Co-ordinator will also be a member of the JBL Committee and will have the support of the Breed Clubs. He/she will be nominated and voted for by the JBLC reps of the clubs. Should this person also be a member of a Breed Club Committee he/she will constitute one half of that Club's representation and will then be entitled to a vote.
- Each member of the Committee, excluding the Secretary and Breed Health Co-ordinator shall have a vote. The Chair will have a casting vote only.
- The Committee shall have the power to invite any person(s) to attend any meeting to assist them. Such persons will not be entitled to vote or take part in any of the proceedings of the meeting except in respect of the item on the agenda requiring their presence at the meeting.
- Meetings of the Committee shall be held as often as deemed necessary, but at least twice yearly.
- Eight Committee members will constitute a quorum with representation from each of the Clubs. Representation can consist of remote access eg Skype, telephone, video etc. and any such Committee member not physically present at the meeting but who was in contact remotely can vote on the subject being discussed with them.
Any urgent meetings may be conducted via conference call.
Reps should discuss urgent or important business with their committees as necessary and feedback to the Secretary their decision within two weeks to facilitate any action required.
- The agenda will be compiled from items forwarded by the JBL Committee members, forwarded from the Breed Clubs. The agenda will be circulated to all JBL Committee members at least 1 week prior to the meeting. Any member of the Committee shall declare a conflict of interest either personal and/or financial should the situation arise.
- In all decisions a majority vote will win.
- Each Club should make an initial contribution for Joint Breed Liaison Committee purposes at an agreed amount.
- The account will be held in the name of the JBLC. One Club shall be nominated to be responsible for holding any monies, making any payments required and auditing any accounts. The signatories to the account will be the member from the Club responsible for holding the account, the JBL Chairman and the JBL Secretary with two of the three signatures required to process any cheques.
- Finances will be reviewed on an annual basis at the first meeting of the year and any contribution will be based on likely future requirements.
- Mileage can be claimed at an agreed rate per mile, to be reviewed annually at the first meeting of the year. Any other claims should be made with an accompanying receipt.
Version: November 2014