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BCC Championship Show - 3rd December 2016
Judges: Ann Wilding (D), Angela Pedder (B) Graham Atkins (Ref)
You can find the full results of the Breed classes on our show results page, and read the judges' critiques here.
Main Winners
BIS: O'Brien's Sammara Little Black Dress
RBIS: Hines' Ramsgrove Majendie's Dream JW
BPIS: Salter's Irisaddition Effie Trinket
BVetIS: Nicholls-Ward's Ch Bumbleridge's Naughty 'N' Nice JW ShCM
BD: Hines' Ramsgrove Majendie's Dream JW
RBD: Baker & Van De Hoef's Ch Malandex Most Xciting JW
BPD: Delany's Arranbrae Muy Guapo
BVetD: Nicholls-Ward's Ch Bumbleridge's Naughty 'N' Nice JW ShCM
BB: O'Brien's Sammara Little Black Dress
RBB: Style's Potterdale Birthday Star To Ragellie
BPB: Salter's Irisaddition Effie Trinket
BVetB: Fiedler's Saskyadu Magical Moonlight At Malarkey
Junior Handling
Overall Winner: Connor Bartlett

BIS O'Brien's Sammara Little Black Dress with judges Ann Wilding (Dogs) and Graham Atkins (Referee)

BIS O'Brien's Sammara Little Black Dress and BPIS Salter's Irisaddition Effie Trinket
with the judges Ann Wilding (Dogs), Angela Pedder (Bitches), and Graham Atkins (Referee)

The winning bitches line up with judge Angela Pedder.
Left to right: BCC/BIS Sammara Little Black Dress, RBCC Potterdale Birthday Star To Ragellie,
BVetB Saskyadu Magical Moonlight At Malarkey, and BPB/BPIS Irisaddition Effie Trinket
BCC Open Show - 2nd April 2019
Judge: Mrs Marilyn Thorpe (Merrythorpe)
You can find the full results of the Breed classes on our show results page, and read the judges' critiques here.
Scroll down this page for the Junior Handling results, Fun Obedience results and photos.
Main Winners
BIS: Glasspool's Ch Diotima From The Heart For Gildenmede
RBIS: O'Brien's Sammara Little Black Dress
BPIS: Lewis & Edinboro's Potterdale Potential
BVetIS: Glasspool's Ch Diotima From The Heart For Gildenmede
Glasspool's Ch Diotima From The Heart For Gildenmede
RBD: Carter & Palmer's Braemoray Dream Angus Of Woodacre JW
BPD: Lewis & Edinboro's Potterdale Potential
BVetD: Glasspool's Ch Diotima From The Heart For Gildenmede
BB: O'Brien's Sammara Little Black Dress
RBB: Jay's Talraz May Queen JW
BPB: Sale & Lewis's Potterdale Platinum Star
BVetB: Jay's Talraz Honey Trap JW
Fun Obedience - Judge: Mr John Harding
Starters (Entries: 6, Abs: 0)
Starters (6, 0)
1st: Jepson & Nicholls-Ward's Bumbleridge's Jigsaw
2nd: Griffiths' Nellbrook It's A Mystery At Whizzbomb
3rd: Bailey's Talraz Nuts In May
4th: Nicholson's Shilstone Craftsman
5th: Gilbert's Athemburgh Ruby Lady
Triers (Entries: 5, Abs: 1)
Triers (Entries: 7, Abs: 0)
1st: Gilbert's Ch Athemburgh New Beginning
2nd: Nicholls-Ward's Bumbleridge's Jitterbug
3rd: Gilbert's Athemburgh Ruby Lady
4th: Gilbert's Thingamebob My Guy
5th: Griffiths' Nellbrook It's A Mystery At Whizzbomb
Hopefuls (Entries: 3, Abs: 0)
1st: Gilbert's Ch Athemburgh New Beginning
2nd: Sale & Lewis's Potterdale Miami Magic
3rd: Gilbert's Thingamebob My Guy
Junior Handling - Judge: Mrs Joyce Burford
Overall Winner: Connor Bartlett
Class A: 6-11 - No entries
Class A: 12-16 - Entries: 1, Abs: 0
1st: Connor Bartlett

The main winners line up
L to R:BIS: Glasspool's Ch Diotima from the Heart for Gildenmede
RBIS: O'Brien's Sammara Little Black Dress
BPIS: Lewis & Edinboro's Potterdale Potential

The judges and ring stewards
The Judges: John Harding (Obedience), Marilyn Thorpe (Breed Classes) and Joyce Burford (Junior Handling)
with the Ring Stewards

The main winners from the Bitch classes
The Brace class - Gilbert's brace and Bartlett's brace

Obedience winners - Starters

Obedience winners - Triers

Obedience winners - Hopefuls