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BCC Championship Show - 2nd December 2017
You can find the full results of the Breed classes on our show results page, and read the judges' critiques here.
Junior Handling - Judge: Mrs Yvonne Fox
Overall Winner: Isobel Khawaja
Class A: 6-11 - Entries: 1 Abs: 0
1st: Isobel Khawaja
Class B: 12-16 - Entries: 2 Abs: 2
Many thanks to Alan Hards for the photos. You can view a further selection on the Club's Facebook page.

The main winners line up with judges Lynn Dumbrell (Dogs) and Kay Farrier (Bitches)
Left to right: BIS/DCC Ch Malandex Most Xciting JW
RBIS/BCC Heleview Heartbreaker From Fraglestone
BPIS Denter's Whirlwind Broadway Baby, and BVetIS Elemark Briar ShCM

DCC Baker & Van De Hoef's Ch Malandex Most Xciting JW
RDCC/BVetD Morrant's Elemark Briar ShCM
and BPD Butler's Ceilmear Malt Teaser with judge Lynn Dumbrell

BCC Brooks & Grundy's Heleview Heartbreaker From Fraglestone JW,
RBCC Whelan & Young's Victory Wind's Just The Girl For Corimist (Imp FRA)
BPB Peirson's Denter's Whirlwind Broadway Baby, and
BVetB Clack's Ch Sengalas Indiana Star with the judge Kay Farrier.

Junior Handling winner Isobel Khawaja with the Judge, Mrs Yvonne Fox
BCC Open Show (hosted by Scottish Branch) - 17th September 2017
You can read the full results on our show results page
Main Winners
BIS: Robertson's Kiltondale Liadhich With Quothquan ShCM
RBIS: Delaney's Arranbrae Just One Look
BPIS: Moir's Braemoor's Fabulous Fennela At Winaria (Imp NLD)
BVetIS: Glasgow's Gallus Living The Dream
BD: Gill, Cook & Hosie's Gillaber Benromach
RBD: Gibb's Snikkles Bluebeard At Pirateer JW
BPD: McLure's Douglasdale Black Diamond
BVetD: Gill & Cook's Ch Ramsgrove Homeward Bound To Gillaber JW ShCM
BB: Robertson's Kiltondale Liadhich With Quothquan ShCM
RBB: Delaney's Arranbrae Just One Look
BPB: Moir's Braemoor's Fabulous Fennela At Winaria (Imp NLD)
BVetB: Glasgow's Gallus Living The Dream
BCC Open Show - 1st April 2017 - Judge: Mr Stuart Band (Essandsee)
You can find the full results of the Breed classes on our show results page. The judge's critique is here.
Scroll down this page for the Junior Handling and Fun Obedience results.
Main Winners
BIS: O'Brien's Sammara Little Black Dress
RBIS: Sewell's Ch Malandex Xactly Right For Kemelstowe JW
BPIS: Pedder's Alistair's Zenith Star Above Caldermist (Imp SWE)
BVetIS: Sewell's Ch Malandex Xactly Right For Kemelstowe JW
BD: Sewell's Ch Malandex Xactly Right For Kemelstowe JW
RBD: Needham's Beardmarked's Ultimate Brownie For Oscarlusion (Imp SWE)
BPD: McErlane's Pretty Bear Amazing Sense (Imp DEU)
BVetD: Sewell's Ch Malandex Xactly Right For Kemelstowe JW
BB: O'Brien's Sammara Little Black Dress
RBB: Betts' Pipadene Vusa Amakhosi JW
BPB: Pedder's Alistair's Zenith Star Above Caldermist (Imp SWE)
BVetB: Wood's Pattishawl She's A Dream For Pepperjay
Junior Handling Results - Judge: Miss Paula Brooks (Fraglestone)
Many thanks to Sandi Evans for supplying the photo.

The Junior Handlers line-up: Isobel Khawaja (overall winner) and Alice Gray
Well done to both competitors!