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BCC Championship Show - 7th December 2019
You can find the full results of the Breed classes on our show results page and read the judges' critiques here.
Junior Handling - Judge: Mrs Glenda O'Connell
Overall Winner: Holly Fear aged 16 years
Class A: 6-11 - No Entries
Class B: 12-16 - Entries: 2 Abs: 0
1st: Holly Fear (aged 16)
2nd: Elinor Fear (aged 13)

The main winners line-up with judges Kim Evans and Yvonne Fox.
Left to right: BIS Collins's Luna De Chester at Kingswud (Imp Fra) JW,
RBIS Groenier's CH/NL CH/UCH Braemoor's Boundless Joy NJK/BNLJW/CW17/CW18,
BPIS Jay's Farmarens Drum Of Spring at Talraz
and BVIS Fooks's CH Brenriga Wrapped In Gold for Zoesta

The dog class winners line-up with judge Kim Evans.
Left to right: RBIS/DCC Groenier's CH/NL CH/UCH Braemoor's Boundless Joy NJK/BNLJW/CW17/CW18,
RDCC Baker & van de Hoef's Malandex Most Exciting JW,
BPD Jay's Farmarens Drum of Spring at Talraz
and BVD Fooks's CH Brenriga Wrapped In Gold for Zoesta

The bitch class winners line-up with judge Yvonne Fox.
Left to right: BIS/BCC Collins's Luna De Chester at Kingswud (Imp Fra) JW,
RBCC Moir's Braemoor's Fabulous Fennela at Winaria (Imp Nld) JW,
BPB Whelan & Young's Corimist Glamour Girl
and BVB Richardson's CH Caramac C'mon Ring My Bell,

Junior Handling Class - Age 12 - 16
There are no ringside photos from the show so here is one
taken a few years ago of Holly Fear and her sister Elinor
with the family Beardies - nearer home!
BCC Open Show - 6th April 2019
Judge: Mr Alan Hosie
You can find the full results of the Breed classes on our show results page and read the judges' critiques here.
Scroll down this page for the Junior Handling results, Fun Obedience results and photos.
Main Winners
BIS: Atkins & Charles'Memorylane Do The Tra-La-Laa At Snikkles (Imp FIN) JW
RBIS: Edwards'Nellbrook Pure Imagination JW
BPIS:Carter& Swales-Glascoe's Cheryshd One Golden Kiss At Hewanorra
BVetIS:Curry & Wilson's Sweetly Scrumptious With Davankirk
BD: Atkins & Charles'Memorylane Do The Tra-La-Laa At Snikkles (Imp FIN) JW
RBD: Garrity & Tibbett's Potterdale Andante
BPD: Carter& Swales-Glascoe's Cheryshd One Golden Kiss At Hewanorra
BVetD: Moorhouse's Willowmead Prince Regal
BB: Edwards' Nellbrook Pure Imagination JW
RBB: Fiedler's Malandex Xpressly Made For Malarkey
BPB: Ayrton's Aoibh Fiery Flamenco
BVetB: Curry & Wilson's Sweetly Scrumptious With Davankirk
Fun Obedience - Judge: Mr John Harding
Starters (Entries: 6, Abs: 3)
1st: Jones' Braemoray Loch Ranza at Clanwillow
2nd: Dumbrell's Mojo Magical Mystery for Bethlyntee
3rd: Axford's Roxilyn Blue Diamond at Bramblemead
Triers (Entries: 5, Abs: 1)
1st: Richards' Highglade Holly Berry at Elemark *
2nd: Buswell's Corrimist Soul Legend of Scotesham
3rd: Axford's Roxilyn Blue Diamond at Bramblemead
4th: Hinchliffe's Pretty Bear Zweet Dream at Croftdale (Imp Deu)
Hopefuls (Entries: 2, Abs: 0)
1st: Buswell's Corrimist Soul Legend of Scotesham **
2nd: Axford's Roxilyn Blue Diamond at Bramblemead
Fliers (Entries: 1, Abs: 1)
* also won the Jeannie Cup for the highest points
** also won the Marlanz Trophy for highest percentage
Junior Handling - Judge:
Overall Winner: Alice Gray
Class A: 6-11 - Entries: 2, Abs: 1
1st: Alice Gray
Class B: 12-16 - Entries: 1, Abs: 1
Many thanks to Alan Hards and Kim Evans for the following set of photos. You can view a further selection on the Club's Facebook page.

The main winners line up with judge Alan Hosie
L to R:BIS: Atkins & Charles'Memorylane Do The Tra-La-Laa At Snikkles (Imp FIN) JW
RBIS: Edwards'Nellbrook Pure Imagination JW
BPIS:Carter& Swales-Glascoe's Cheryshd One Golden Kiss At Hewanorra
BVetIS:Curry & Wilson's Sweetly Scrumptious With Davankirk

The main winners from the Dog classes
L to R: BD: Atkins & Charles'Memorylane Do The Tra-La-Laa At Snikkles (Imp FIN) JW
RBD: Garrity & Tibbett's Potterdale Andante
BPD: Carter& Swales-Glascoe's Cheryshd One Golden Kiss At Hewanorra
BVetD: Moorhouse's Willowmead Prince Regal

The main winners from the Bitch classes
L to R: BB: Edwards' Nellbrook Pure Imagination JW
RBB: Fiedler's Malandex Xpressly Made For Malarkey
BPB: Ayrton's Aoibh Fiery Flamenco
BVetB: Curry & Wilson's Sweetly Scrumptious With Davankirk

Special Champions' Class- Dogs - line-up with Mrs Marion Appleby
1st: Atkins' & Charles'Ch Snikkles Blue Print JW
2nd: Fiedlers' Ch Alistair's Ready Made For Malarkey (Imp SWE) JW

Special Champions' Class - Bitches - line-up with Mrs Marion Appleby
1st: O'Briens' Ch Sammara Little Black Dress
2nd: Betts' Ch Pipadene Ultimate Dream JW
3rd: Woods' Ch Pipadene Visionary Spirit For Pepperjay JW

Obedience line up - Starters
1st: Jones' Braemoray Loch Ranza at Clanwillow
2nd: Dumbrell's Mojo Magical Mystery for Bethlyntee
3rd: Axford's Roxilyn Blue Diamond at Bramblemead

Obedience line up - Triers
1st: Richards' Highglade Holly Berry at Elemark
2nd: Buswell's Corrimist Soul Legend of Scotesham
3rd: Axford's Roxilyn Blue Diamond at Bramblemead

Obedience line up - Hopefuls
1st: Buswell's Corrimist Soul Legend of Scotesham
2nd: Axford's Roxilyn Blue Diamond at Bramblemead

Junior Handling winner
Alice Gray receiving her trophy