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BCC Championship Show - 17th July 2021
You can find the full results of the Breed classes on our show results page and read the judges' critiques here.
With grateful thanks to Kim Evans for the use of her photographs

BIS/DCC & BOS Bitch CC with judges and referee
L: BIS/DCC Salmon's Potterdale Piper
R: BOS/BCC Pedder's Caldermist Dance in the Dark
and Mesdames Glenda O'Connell, Janet Steel & Liz Jay

Dog CC & Reserve Dog CC
L: DCC/BIS Salmon's Potterdale Piper
R: RDCC/RBIS Atkins & Charles's Snikkles Swashbuckler

Bitch CC & Reserve Bitch CC
L: BCC Pedder's Caldermist Dance in the Dark
R: RBCC Moir's Braemoor's Fabulous Fennela at Winnaria

Dog CC & Bitch CC/BOS
L: DCC/BIS Salmon's Potterdale Piper
R: BCC Pedder's Caldermist Dance in the Dark

Best Puppy Dog & Best Veteran Dog
L: BPIS Beech's Dychix Never Ending Story
R: BVetD Beech's Dychix Meet Joe Black

Best Puppy Bitch/BPIS & Best Vet Bitch
L: BPB Jones's Clanwillow Amazing Grace
R: BVetB Richards's Kilfinan Country Shadow