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Bearded Collie Club Open Show - 6th April 2024
Judge's Critique
I was delighted to be offered this judging appointment and had been looking forward to the day for some time. I was so pleased with the lovely entry of Bearded Collies and I am grateful to everyone who has supported me. Thank you to the officers and committee for making me feel so welcome, I really enjoyed my day. A big thank you to my stewards Ian and Julie for supporting me throughout the day and keeping the ring moving so smoothly.
Puppy Dog (2,0)
1st. Salter's Whole Lotta Love From Noonie Bears by Irisaddition (imp BEL). Masculine boy of 9 months, dark eye, broad skull, well laid shoulder with good length and shape of rib, steady movement, coat of good texture and quality, well presented and handled, looking forward to seeing him progress, BPD & RBPIS
2nd. Jones' Clanwillow Crown And Glory. 11 months old, slate, eye toning well with coat, good shape to skull, strong neck and shoulders, good proportions, a masculine boy who was slightly unsettled on the move but with maturity should finish well.
Junior Dog (4,1)
1st. Jones' Clanwillow Crown and Glory.
2nd. Axford's Bramblemead Bollinger Boy. 12 months old, just out of puppy, slate, eye toning well with coat, good neck and shoulders, looked balanced throughout, needs to drop in chest to and mature in body to finish, moved out well although could be a little untidy in the rear.
3rd. Glasspool's Cool Heart's Finest Selection for Gildenmede (imp SWE).
Yearling Dog (3,1)
1st. Butcher's Sylvabrae Newton's Law. 23 months old, blue dog, eye toning with coat, strong skull, good length of neck and well set shoulder, would have liked more length of rib, good harsh coat, very well muscled, moved out well.
2nd. Wynne's Megamaree Space Oddity. 23 months old, slate dog, broad flat skull, eye toned well with coat, good bite and excellent pigment, adequate angulation front and rear, another where I would have liked more length of rib, moved out ok.
Maiden Dog (1,0)
1st. Jones' Clanwillow Crown and Glory.
Novice Dog (2,0)
1st. Jones' Clanwillow Crown and Glory.
2nd. Glasspool's Cool Heart's Finest Selection for Gildenmede (imp SWE). 3rd in JD, 13 months old, dark slate, masculine head and expression, broad skull, would like a better length of neck, presented in profuse coat, handled well but could have been a little more settled on the move.
Graduate Dog (4,1)
1st. Butcher's Sylvabrae Newton's Law.
2nd. Wynne's Megamaree Space Oddity.
3rd. Homer's Matamata Prancing Pony.
Post Graduate Dog (3,0)
1st. Ayrton's Aoibh Drummer Boy JW. 3 year old well presented slate, lovely type, masculine head and expression, eye toning well with coat, well laid back shoulder with good length of rib, nice overall shape, smooth, effortless movement, a lovely dog.
2nd. Homer's Matamata Prancing Pony. 3½ years old, slate, eye toned well with coat, broad flat skull, good length of neck, angulation front and rear ok, level top-line, presentation could be improved upon but lovely temperament.
3rd. Steer-Eldridge's Gwalltafwyn Rhodd Unigryw.
Limit Dog (2,0)
1st. Skinner's Tamjenta Bendelacreme. Upstanding 3 year old blue male, strong, masculine head, lovely expression, strong neck and shoulders, well set shoulder and nicely balanced throughout, deep chest with good forechest, level top-line, moved effortlessly around the ring with ease, presented in super condition, was pleased to award him BD.
2nd. Carter &Palmer's Burnhock Perfect Diamond of Woodacre. 3 years old, brown, masculine head and expression, strong neck and shoulders, deep chest, level top-line, would prefer a better set croup, seemed unsettled in the rear going away, more settled on profile movement.
Open Dog (4,1)
1st. Hollis' Adjucet Tale As Old As Time. 4 year old slate beautifully presented in lovely condition, masculine head, broad skull and strong muzzle, good depth of chest, balanced in his proportions, level top-line, when settled he moved out well, would like him to carry a little less weight, pleased to award him RBD.
2nd. Wood's Pepperjay Bartholomew JW. 5 year old slate, masculine dog with lovely expression, good neck and shoulders with deep chest, level strong top-line, liked his temperament, he moved out steadily with ease, presented in good coat.
3rd. Dumbrell's Brodaty Limited Edition at Bethlyntee.
Bred By Exhibitor Dog (3,0)
1st. Bowden's Subessen Heart of Rome (re-import). 5 year old slate boy, expressive kind head, not the biggest of males but he was balanced with good angles, strong neck and shoulders, moved out well, very well presented and handled.
2nd. Axford's Bramblemead Bollinger Boy.
3rd. Steer-Eldridge's Gwalltafwyn Rhodd Unigryw
Not Bred By Exhibitor Dog (6,1)
1st. Butcher's Sylvabrae Newton's Law.
2nd. Glasspool's Cool Heart's Finest Selection for Gildenmede (imp SWE).
3rd. Homer's Matamata Prancing Pony.
Veteran Dog (3,1)
1st. Griffith's Nellbrook It's A Mystery at Whizzbomb. 10½ years old, slate, strong balanced skull, good length of neck, good breed type, well set shoulder, deep chest, level top-line, well muscled throughout, moved out well, BVD.
2nd. Buswell's Corimist Soul Legend of Scotesham. 9 year old slate male, masculine head and expression, lovely dark eye, would like better front angulation and more length of rib, not the reach of 1 on the move.
Special Versatile Dog (1,0)
1st. Buswell's Corimist Soul Legend of Scotesham.
Minor Puppy Bitch (1,0)
1st. Wynne's Megamaree One Moment In Time. Slate bitch of just 8 months, correct feminine head and expression, good neck, adequate angulation front and rear, good proportions, sound top-line, would like a little more reach and drive on the move, in good coat.
Puppy Bitch (3,1)
1st. Bird's Wre Write The Stars From Noonie Bears with Bridus (imp BEL). Lovely feminine bitch of 9 months with the softest expression and dark eye, neck of good length and she looked balanced standing and moving, liked her proportions, good length of rib and short loin, moved out effortlessly when settled into her stride, in excellent coat and condition, definitely one to watch, pleased to award her BPB & BPIS.
2nd. Atkins &Charles' Clanwillow Crown of Roses for Snikkles. Another lovely bitch of nice proportions, 10 months, slate, feminine head and expression, good neck and sound shoulders, level top-line, she looked well in outline and moved out with effortless, smooth movement, presented in beautiful and well muscled condition.
Junior Bitch (5,2)
1st. Fielder's Malandex Most Xpressive for Malarkey. Bitch of 15 months, slate, lovely outline, feminine head with lovely eye, good reach of neck, good depth of chest, correct proportions, liked her angulation front and rear, little unsettled when stacked but when settled she moved out well.
2nd. Axford's Bramblemead Sparkling Lady. Feminine blue bitch of 12 months, lovely expression, good neck and shoulders, level top-line, good proportions overall, would like her to mature and body up, beautiful presentation, moved well in profile but could be tidier in the rear going away.
3rd. Jones' Clanwillow Crystal Bay.
Yearling Bitch (4,2)
1st. Steele's Rocpen Juro Twill. Nicely presented bitch of 22 months who still has lots of maturing to do, feminine head and dark eye, she kept dropping her head which spoilt her outline both on the stand and on the move, sound in movement when settled.
2nd. O'Connell's Potterdale Royal Sapphire of Atherleigh. Blue feminine bitch of 22 months, pretty head and expression, nice angles front and rear although would have liked slightly better proportions, coat changing but of good quality, she showed some pleasing movement in profile but seemed very unhappy with the floor surface when going away.
Maiden Bitch (3,2)
1st. Wynne's Megamaree One Moment In Time.
Novice Bitch (4,1)
1st. Atkins & Charles' Clanwillow Crown of Roses for Snikkles.
2nd. Fielder's Malandex Most Xpressive for Malarkey.
3rd. Wynne's Megamaree One Moment In Time.
Graduate Bitch (5,0)
1st. O'Brien's Another Posh Frock at Sammara. 2 years old, slate, very feminine throughout, lovely neck and shoulders, deep chest, good top-line, well muscled and fit, in profuse coat although he can spoil her overall outline, moved out well with good reach and drive.
2nd. Fooks' Moonhill Blissful Dream. 2 years old, slate, another feminine bitch that I really liked, lovely head and expression, strong neck with good lay back of shoulder, level top-line, good length and shape of rib, short loin, coat developing well, she was a nice outline standing and moving, one to watch.
3rd. Steele's Rocpen Juro Twill.
Post Graduate Bitch (2,1)
1st. Hough's Clovabrae Nikita for Seacharmzed. Brown bitch of 3 years, feminine head and expression, eye toning with coat, good neck and well laid shoulders, balanced throughout, deep chest, low hocks, would have preferred more settled movement, in profuse harsh coat.
Limit Bitch (8,1)
1st. Rivers' Orora's French Silk at Merrimak JW. 2 year old outstanding slate bitch, lovely breed type, gorgeous head and expression, lovely dark eye, excellent neck and shoulders, good depth of chest and lovely length to her rib, moved out with effortless reach and drive and presented to perfection, a hard choice for Best Bitch but was pleased to give her RBB & RBIS.
2nd. Jay's Matamata Lorien Lady at Talraz. Gave 1 a run for her money, gorgeous outline and very befitting to her name, very feminine head and expression, dark eye, beautiful and balanced outline, good neck and shoulders, good rib shape and length, moved effortlessly and presented in well muscled condition.
3rd. Bird's Irisaddition She's All That with Bridus JW.
Open Bitch (7,2)
1st. Harkin's Corimist Galway Girl at Claudalla. 6 years old, slate, oozed femininity and I loved her, expressive pretty head with melting dark eye, everything flowed with this bitch, lovely neck and shoulders, sound in top-line, correct body proportions, lovely tail carriage, she moved out with an easy, ground covering gait, presented beautifully and shown in immaculate condition, was delighted to award her BB & BIS.
2nd. Betts' Winterlyn Heaven Can Wait with Pipadene. Bitch of nearly 5 years, slate, nice overall shape and balance, lovely head and expression, good lay back of shoulder, nice depth to chest, level top-line, presented in lovely, well muscled condition, moved out well.
3rd. Hollis' Adjucet My Girl.
Bred By Exhibitor Bitch (5,0)
1st. Jay's Talraz Song of Summer. 2½ years old, slate, very feminine and of lovely breed type, lovely head and expression with a kind, dark eye, balanced throughout giving a lovely outline overall, sound top-line, good depth of chest, well angulated front and rear, well presented with beautiful steady movement, close up for RBB.
2nd. Axford's Bramblemead Sparkling Lady.
3rd. Jones' Clanwillow Crystal Bay.
Not Bred By Exhibitor Bitch (5,1)
1st. Fooks' Moonhill Blissful Dream.
2nd. Hough's Clovabrae Nikita for Seacharmzed.
3rd. Wildan's Dark Sky at Elemark.
Veteran Bitch (5,1)
1st. Clack's Willowmead One Last Thyme with Ribbondale. 7 years old, slate, very feminine with kind expression, good breed type, nicely angulated all through with level top-line, good proportions, moved out steadily, presented in extremely well muscled condition, in good coat, pleased to award her BVB & BVIS.
2nd. Hollis' Pretty Bear Wild Flower mit Adjucet (imp DEU). Mature brown bitch of 10½ years, broad skull, feminine head with soft expression, good outline overall, balanced throughout, still carrying good muscle tone, she moved out well, I remember judging her as a puppy so it was nice to see this bitch in her twilight years and I was able to award her Oldest Exhibit in Show.
3rd. Fielder's Malandex Xpressly Made for Malarkey.
Special Versatile Bitch (2,0)
1st. Rivers' Orora's French Silk at Merrimak JW.
2nd. Axford's Roxilyn Blue Diamond at Bramblemead (AI). 5 year old bitch, blue, feminine expression, would like a little more neck and better angulation throughout, level top-line, deep chest and well ribbed, presented in good coat and well handled, moved out ok.
Special Champion Dog (3,0)
1st. Jay's Ch Farmarens Drums of Spring at Talraz (imp SWE) JW. Easy to see how this slate male of 5 years holds his title, masculine head and beautiful expression with dark eye, lovely breed type, beautifully angulated with correct proportions all through, well muscled, he moved out with an easy, effortless gait covering the ground well, in immaculate coat and condition, very well handled.
2nd. Tibbetts & Garrity's Ch Potterdale Andante. 6 year old slate dog, strong masculine head with good muzzle and dark eye, excellent neck and shoulders, good depth of chest, well ribbed back with short loin, good angles in rear, good tail carriage, another presented in excellent condition.
3rd. Atkins & Charles' Ch Snikkles Swashbuckler JW.
Special Champion Bitch (4,0)
1st. Betts' Ch Pipadene Xtraa Hint of Chili JW. Beautiful 2 year old slate bitch shown in excellent condition, so classy and unexaggerated in type, feminine expression, excellent shoulders and front assembly, lovely proportions, she was sound and effortless on the move.
2nd. Bowden's Ch Subessen Blaze of Fire VW. 9 year old slate bitch, gorgeous dark eye, flat skull, excellent neck and shoulders, sound in top-line, good angulation throughout, moved with ease, lovely reach and drive covering the ground well, in super coat and condition, well muscled and very well presented.
3rd. Steer-Eldridge's Ir Ch Kakos The Happiest Days of Gwalltafwyn JW.
Brace (5,0)
1st. Jay's - Lovely matching brace, so typy and at one with their handler, beautifully presented and they moved in uniform together.
2nd. Bird's - Nice slate girls, difference in ages but moved well complimenting each other for colour and type.
3rd. Ayrton's.
Lyndsay Burgon (Judge)