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BCC Championship Show - 7th December 2024
You can find the full results of all the classes on our show results page and read the judges' critiques (as they are made available) here.
Our grateful thanks to Ian Pickup for taking the photographs.

The overall winners line-up with judges Robynne Wood, Lesley Tomlinson and Graham Atkins (referee) .
Left to right: BIS/DCC Bramley & Moore's Coalacre Do The Hokey Cokey,
RBIS/BCC Lewis & Moreland's Ch Potterdale Precious Rose,

Dog CC & Reserve DCC
DCC & BIS Bramley & Moore's Coalacre Do The Hokey Cokey,
RDCCBVIS Groenier's NL Ch Braemoor's Party Trick NJK'16 JW'16,
BPD Nolan's Breaksea Flash Harry In Bricliath

Bitch CC & Reserve BCC
BCC/RBIS Lewis & Moreland's Ch Potterdale Precious Rose,
RBCC Glasgow&s Ch Malandex Xpats Gem At Gallus

Best Veteran Bitch and Best Puppy Bitch
BVB Cope & Kemp's Ch Scalbeck Sophistication At Menander,
BPB/BPIS Skinner's Valkyrie De Chester At Tamjenta (IMP FRA),

Left: Best Puppy Bitch
BVIS Skinner's Valkyrie De Chester At Tamjenta (IMP FRA)
Right: Oldest Veteran Exhibit
We award a special rosette to the 'Oldest Veteran' competing in the show to celebrate the longevity of Bearded Collies.
This year's winner was the amazing 14 1/2 years old
INT CH/GER CH VDH/CFBRH/HR CH Midlands-Corner Hazel Muffin GER VHC (ATC AM00397DEU) with her owner Antonietta Pallavicini
BCC Scottish Branch Open Show - 8th September 2024
Judge: Barry Blunden (Licassa)
You can find the full results of the Breed classes on our show results page and read the judges' critiques here.

BIS/Best Dog, RBIS/BVIS and Best Veteran Dog, BPIS/Best Puppy Dog.
L to R: BIS: Handley' Bargemon Brigadoon at Barkenbear JW
RBIS/BVIS: Delaney's UK & ESP CH Arranbrae Muy Guapo JW
BPIS: Handley's Strufingill Maverick at Barkenbear

Best Bitch, Best Veteran Bitch, Best Puppy Bitch
L to R: Best Bitch: Higgins' Allachoy Isle Of Neave
BVB: Higgins' Innkalies Miss Marple At Allachoy
BPB: Savage & McLean's Strufingill Penny Benjamin At Canaich

The Rosettes

The Medallions

The Cake

Cutting the Cake

(L) Cutting the Cake
(R) Commemorative Coaster
BCC July Championship Show - 6th July 2024
You can find the full results of the Breed classes on our show results page and read the judges' and referee's critiques here.
Our grateful thanks to Ian Pickup for taking the photographs.

Best In Show
(on referee Ellen Sullivan's decision)
BIS & DCC Strzelcjyk's FR/LUX/CZE/BEL CH Corimist The Sun King

Reserve Best In Show & Best Veteran in Show
RBIS,BCC & BVIS Bowden's Subessen Blaze Of Fire VW

Dog CC & Reserve Dog CC
DCC Strzelcjyk's FR/LUX/CZE/BEL CH Corimist The Sun King,
RDCC Stead & Edwards' Ramsgrove The Great Oopsie

Bitch CC & Reserve Bitch CC
BCC Bowden's Subessen Blaze Of Fire VW,
RBCC Burscough's Kilfinan Ladybird

Best Veteran Dog
BVD Atkins & Charles' Memorylane Do The Tra-La-La at Snikkles (Imp Fin) JW

Best Puppy In Show
(on referee Ellen Sullivan's decision)
BPIS Tomlinson, Miller & Fletcher's Memorylane Flirt With Every Skirt (Imp Fin)

Best Puppy Bitch
BPB Skinner's Valkyrie De Chester at Tamjenta (Imp Fra) NAF TAF
BCC Open Show - 6th April 2024
Judge: Ms Lyndsey Burgon (Lyngem)
You can find the full results of the Breed classes on our show results page and read the judge's critiques here.
Scroll down this page for the Fun Obedience results and photos.
Main Winners
BIS: Harkin's Corimist Galway Girl at Claudalla
RBIS: Rivers' Orora's French Silk at Merrimak JW
BVetIS: Clack's Willowmead One Last Thyme with Ribbondale
BPIS: Bird's Wre Write the Stars From Noonie Bears with Bridus (Imp Bel)
BD: Skinner's Tamjenta Bendelacreme
RBD: Hollis's Adjucet Tale as Old as Time
BVetD:Grffiths' Nellbrook Its A Mystery At Whizzbomb
BPD: Salter's Whole lotta love from Noonie Bears by Irisaddition (Imp Bel)
BB: Harkin's Corimist Galway Girl at Claudalla
RBB: Rivers' Orora's French Silk at Merrimak JW
BVetB: Clack's Willowmead One Last Thyme with Ribbondale
BPB: Bird's Wre Write the Stars From Noonie Bears with Bridus (Imp Bel)
Fun Obedience - Judge: Mrs Andy Bland
1st: Steele's Rocpen Juro Twill
1st: Bevis's Ramsgrove Sunshine at Beabeardies
2nd: Richards' Wildan's Dark Sky at Elemark
3rd: Homer's Matamata Prancing Pony
1st: Buswell's Douglasdale Garanatus at Scotesham
2nd:> HYomer's Matamata Prancing Pony
1st: Homer's Matamata Prancing Pony
2nd: Buswell's Corimist Soul Legend of Scotesham
All photos by courtesy of Liz Ayrton except where shown

The Best in Show Line-up
L to R:BIS: Harkin's Corimist Galway Girl at Claudalla
RBIS: Rivers' Orora's French Silk at Merrimak JW
BVetIS: Clack's Willowmead One Last Thyme with Ribbondale

Dog Wnner Line-up
L to R: BD: Skinner's Tamjenta Bendelacreme
RBD: Hollis's Adjucet Tale as Old as Time
BVetD:Grffiths' Nellbrook Its A Mystery At Whizzbomb
BPD: Salter's Whole lotta love from Noonie Bears by Irisaddition (Imp Bel)

Bitch Winner Line-up
L to R: BB: Harkin's Corimist Galway Girl at Claudalla
RBB: Rivers' Orora's French Silk at Merrimak JW
BVetB: Clack's Willowmead One Last Thyme with Ribbondale
BPB: Bird's Wre Write the Stars From Noonie Bears with Bridus (Imp Bel)

Fun Obedience - Triers
L to R: 1st: Bevis's Ramsgrove Sunshine at Beabeardies
2nd: Richards' Wildan's Dark Sky at Elemark
3rd: Homer's Matamata Prancing Pony

Fun Obedience - Hopefuls
1st: Buswell's Douglasdale Garanatus at Scotesham
2nd: Homer's Matamata Prancing Pony

Fun Obedience - Fliers
1st: Homer's Matamata Prancing Pony
2nd: Buswell's Corimist Soul Legend of Scotesham

Special Champion Dog
Jay's CH Farmarens Drums of Spring at Talraz (IMP SWE) JW

Special Champion Bitch
Betts' CH Pipadene Xtraa Hint of Chili JW JW
Bearded Collie Club Fun Obedience Classes
Judge: Andy Bland(Kiandra)
Thank you for inviting me to judge the fun obedience classes. Also thank you Maureen Sale for stewarding and the kitchen gang for keeping us fed and watered. There is so much more to being on committee, you all do a grand job.
Starters (3 entries, 2 absent)
1st - Penny Steele with Lyme - Rocpen Turo Twill. Lovely happy youngster. Only losing two marks on tight lead and crooked sit. A well-deserved first.
Triers (4 entries, 1 absent)
1st - Lynn Bevis with Bea – Ramsgrove Sunshine at Beabeardies. A very good round, only two marks lost on tight lead. She is a pleasure to watch.
2nd - Frances Richards with Bridie - Willdan’s Dark Sky at Elemark. Heel work was good but tight lead lost marks. She was not keen on sitting, which set her back on the recall. Then she found it wasn’t so bad and did an excellent sit and down stay.
3rd - Moira Homer with Harvey – Matamata Prancing Pony. A tight lead also let this chap down at times. Moira missed the bit about last command on the sit stay and lost marks . I have to say, most of us have done that at some stage. I think it pays off for future training.
Hopefuls (2 entries)
1st - Anne Buswell with Bramley – Douglasdale Granatus At Scotesham. Just losing marks on heelwork attention and some mouthing on retrieve. Super recall and stays were excellent. Well done.
2nd - Moira with Harvey. A lovely heel round, but in heel free he needs to be closer on turns and sits could be straighter. He broke sit stay which put him in 2nd place.
Fliers (2 entries)
1st - Moira with Harvey, Well done, only lost 2 marks for lead. Everything else clear. I think he has a bright future and wish you both all the best.
2nd - Anne Buswell with Quince. Well, concentration can be hard sometimes. He was doing quite well, but then we had play time followed by excellent sendaway and drop. He had a nice fun day. On another day he would also make it a success.
Beardies have it in them to work, they just need a little guidance and time. Best Wishes All!
Andy Bland (Judge)