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Bearded Collie Club Championship Show - 7th December 2024
Judges' Critiques
I would like to start with a massive thank you all the Exhibitors that entered and then braved the weather conditions to attend the show. It has been 8 yrs since I last judged and I have been absent from the show scene for the last 18 months. This gave me the pleasure of being able to judge dogs that were new to me and completely unaware of any trends or “runs” that dogs were on. This felt liberating and I was certainly impressed by the quality of the dogs seen today – many deserving dogs went without cards. It is an honour to judge at a Club show and I 'm always mindful that every dog is someone 's pride and joy. This means that regardless of my placings I enjoyed the opportunity to judge your dogs and hope that you felt you got your “moneys worth” from yourry fee. I think that you can 't appreciate just how much quality there is our breed until you judge at Champ show level and in most classes placings came down to nitpicking on personal preferences. So thank you again for the opportunity to go over your dogs and the pleasure of doing so at the BCC 's very special December champ show.
Veteran (9, 1)
1st Groenier 's Nld Ch Braemoor 's Party Trick 9yrs brown. Not the biggest of boys but still masculine and of pleasing type. Good length of rib with well laid-back shoulder and balanced angulation. Strong head and soft eye to give that classic melting expression. Moved with effortless drive. I was delighted to award him RCC and Best Veteran Dog.
2nd Savage & Mclean 's Talraz Comic Relief At Canaich JW 7yrs slate. Bigger and heavier built than 1st but still retains a workmanlike quality. Didn 't quite have the rib of 1st but was certainly not short. Well laid-back shoulder and balanced angulation. In excellent condition and moved with drive.
3rd Robertson 's Arranbrae Laird Of Quothquan JW 8yrs slate. Plenty to like about this dog who I have previously awarded highly. He has a masculine workmanlike quality with a gorgeous head and eye. Well laid-back shoulder, balanced angulation and moved well. Sadly he was quite not in the condition of 1st and 2nd today but it should be noted that this was one of the best quality classes of the day.
Special Vintage (3, 0)
1st Griffiths ' Nellbrook Its A Mystery At Whizzbomb 11yrs slate in excellent condition that put some the younger dogs to shame. Good depth of chest, balanced angulation and moved like a dog half of his age. Lovely head and expression with eyes that toned well with his coat.
2nd Harrison & Khawaja 's Malandex Xceptional Love At Anfranjo 12yrs slate. Showing his age more than 1st but could still hold his own again against some of the younger dogs. Lovely lay back of shoulder but showing a bit weakness in his backend – this is age related as opposed to construction. Moved well but his handler let him down a little in the end stand.
3rd Lewry & Lewis ' Potterdale Magic Dust ShCM 11yrs slate who again was in excellent condition – it really was a pleasure to judge this class. Good head and expression. Balanced angulation with decent length of rib but I personally preferred the movement of 1st and 2nd.
Minor Puppy (3, 0)
1st Nolan 's Breaksea Flash Harry In Bricliath 7 month slate. Good head and eye with a cheeky expression. Well laid-back shoulder, good length of rib and balanced angulation. Moved well and beautifully schooled to bring out the best in him. Pleased to award him Best Puppy Dog.
2nd Carter 's Memorylane Emotions In Motion For Ravenswyre (Imp Fin) 7 month slate. Lovely shape on the stand and well angulated. Gorgeous head and eye. Well laid-back shoulder and good length of rib. Not quite as steady on the move as 1st and these two could have easily swapped places on a different day.
3rd Collins ' Full Of The Dickens Winner Takes It All For Kingswud (Imp Deu) 7 month slate. Looked very much a baby against the other two and not quite the same ring presence at this stage. This also wasn 't helped by him being smaller and more familiar to my own experience of how minor puppies can be! Nice head and eye. Balanced angulation and moved well.
Puppy (4, 0)
1st Nolan 's Breaksea Flash Harry In Bricliath
2nd Carter 's Memorylane Emotions In Motion For Ravenswyre (Imp Fin)
3rd Bowden 's Subessen The Wonder Of You 9month blue. Smaller in size and less mature than 1 and 2 but plenty of bone to indicate that he will grow into himself. Good head and eye currently tones with paler coat but dark pigment hopefully hints at darker eye as his coat colour develops. Well angulated and good length of rib. Moved well.
Junior (4, 1)
1st Handley 's Strufingill Maverick At Barkenbear 10 month old slate. Reserve in puppy but stood out in this class. Taller but not too big or heavy but I wouldn 't personally want him to grow further. Nice head and melting expression. Well angulated, good depth of chest and decent length of rib. Moved well and was unlucky to meet others in previous class.
2nd Salter 's Whole Lotta Love From Noonie Bears By Irisaddition JW (Imp Bel) 18 months. Good size and amount of bone with some maturing still to do. Good head and eye, well laid back shoulder and balanced angulation. Held a slightly weaker topline of the stand but fine on the move. I just preferred the movement and harsher coat texture of 1st.
3rd Dumbrell 's Cheryshd The Way You Are By Bethlyntee
14month brown. At the paling out stage but pigment and eye gives promise of a rich strong brown coat to come. Lovely head, good depth of chest with decent rib but not quite the length of the other two. He didn 't seem to be at ease in the ring today so his movement let him down on this occasion.
Yearling (6, 3)
1st Bernardi, Clerc & Cousson 's Ungaro De Chester Honest Beardie where you didn 't need to look hard to find the quality as it was all on show with a close-fitting dark jacket. Lovely strong head and melting expression. Well boned and masculine without feeling heavy. Excellent shoulder, angulation and length of rib. Effortless mover.
2nd Jones ' Clanwillow Crown And Glory Lots to like about this dog with many of the same qualities of 1st but less mature and still growing into himself. Eye and pigment toned in with paling coat but dark rims to eye show signs of darkening. Just needs time and could very easily of swapped with 1 on a different day.
3rd Axford 's Bramblemead Bollinger Boy JW Different in type to 1st and 2nd but still gives the impression that could still do a full days work. Good head, eye and depth of chest. Balanced angulation and decent length of rib. Well-schooled and attentive to his owner but for me his tail carriage and looking at his mum took away from his movement today.
Novice (3, 0)
1st Carter 's Memorylane Emotions In Motion For Ravenswyre (Imp Fin)
2nd Bowden 's Subessen The Wonder Of You
3rd Dumbrell 's Cheryshd The Way You Are By Bethlyntee
Debutant (2, 1)
1st Carter 's Memorylane Emotions In Motion For Ravenswyre (Imp Fin
Graduate (4, 1)
1st Jones ' Clanwillow Crown And Glory
2nd Groenier 's Braemoor 's Bound To Enjoy (ATC Nld) I really liked a lot about this boy but I would just prefer it if he had a bit more size and bone. Excellent head and eye. Well laid-back shoulder, good length of rib and balanced angulation. Moved well and with drive.
3rd Rivers ' Breaksea Time Lord At Bendale Bigger and rangier brown dog with some maturing left to do. Lovely head and nice expression but I would prefer a darker eye. Well angulated with a decent length of rib but not quite the length of 1st and 2nd. He was out to have a good time today and his tail carriage and energetic movement reflected this.
Post Graduate (4, 0)
1st Groenier 's Braemoor 's Bound To Enjoy (ATC Nld)
2nd Butcher 's Sylvabrae Newton 's Law Good size, bone and depth of chest. Pleasing head and eye tones with blue coat but I would prefer a slightly darker eye. Good lay back of shoulder, length of rib and balanced angulation. Moved well.
3rd Lewis ' Potterdale Platnum Jubilee There was a lot to like about this boy with a pleasing shape and old-fashioned quality on the stand. Exquisite head and eye producing a melting expression. Well laid-back shoulder and good length of rib. Good angulation in the rear but unfortunately his rear action was not to my personal taste and less energy efficient than 1st and 2nd.
Mid Limit (8, 2)
1st Bramley & Moore 's Coalacre Do The Hokey Cokey Strong head, melting eye and good bone to produce a masculine yet not heavy dog. He doesn 't have the heavy coat of others seen today but it was harsh and enhanced his shape and quality of construction. Excellent lay back of shoulder, depth of chest, long rib and balanced angulation. Moved with effortless drive. Strongest class of the day and I was pleased to award this dog CC.
2nd Pickup 's Kiltondale Heat Of The Night JW Taller and slightly different type to 1st but was again masculine without being heavy or overdone. Good head and pleasing eye. Well laid-back shoulder, good length of rib and balanced angulation. Moved with effortless drive. Unlucky to come against 1st today and could easily change places on a different day.
3rd Groenier 's Braemoor 's Bound To Enjoy (ATC Nld)
Limit (8, 2)
1st White 's Moonhill Rodney Trotter JW Gorgeous head and expression with pigment to be envied. Good depth of chest, excellent angulation and good length of rib. In excellent muscle and coat enhanced his shape. Moved well and with drive.
2nd Handley 's Bargemon Brigadoon At Barkenbear JW ShCEx OSW Taller, flashier and finer boned type but in many ways more masculine feeling than 1st. Pleasing head, eye and good depth of chest. Well laid-back shoulder, good length of rib with balanced angulation. Moved well but can 't help feeling that he hasn 't finished maturing as yet.
3rd Dumbrell 's Brodaty Limited Edition At Bethlyntee Slightly bigger and stronger boned but again not overdone in anyway. Good depth of brown with eye and pigment that tones with coat. Really well put together in terms of angulation, length of rib and moved well. Top three places were all very close today
Open (8, 1)
1st Jay 's Ch Farmarens Drums Of Spring At Talraz JW (Imp Swe) This dog caught my eye as his came in the ring – honest looking beardie who moved with effortless drive. Strongly made in terms of height and bone to produce a masculine and workmanlike quality. Gorgeous head and melting expression. Excellent lay back of shoulder, length of rib and balanced angulation.
2nd Skinner 's Tamjenta Bendelacreme Touch smaller and more heavily coated than 1st – I personally wouldn 't want any more volume of coat but there was still plenty of daylight under the body. Strong head and eyes that toned with his blue coat with the eye rims/pigment showing promise of a darker eye to come. Well laid-back shoulder, excellent length of rib and balanced angulation. Moved well with drive but didn 't quite have the ring presence of 1st however give him time to mature then they could easily swap places.
3rd Peart 's Ch Kilfinan Mr Moonlight For Talluarchy There was a lot to like about this boy but he was lacking in the polish and finishings on 1st and 2nd. Pleasing head and eye. Good depth of chest, well laid-back shoulder, length of rib and balanced angulation. Moved well and with drive.
Special Open (2, 0)
1st Dumbrell 's Brodaty Limited Edition At Bethlyntee
2nd Buswell 's Douglasdale Garanatus At Scotesham Best quality brown of the day with a strong head and melting eye. He was having the best time of his life and his handler was simply along for the ride! Good angulation and length of rib from what I could feel in the brief time he stood still. Hard to assess his movement but had moments where he showed that he could move well. This dog was the tonic needed after a long day 's judging and you certainly couldn 't fault his happy go lucky temperament.
Special Beginners (3, 2)
1st Butcher 's Sylvabrae Newton 's Law
Judge: Mrs Robynne Wood
I would like to thank everyone who voted for me and also to the Committee for putting on a lovely show in very trying circumstances. I was surprised that so many people managed to get to the show with the adverse weather conditions. It shows the resilience of the Beardie community.
It was a lovelyry and I found myself splitting hairs in some of the classes. As mentioned previously when I have judged, I was looking for a longer body than height and I think this always shows in the movement. I also look for a feminine bitch and some were just a little too much for me. There were some lovely bitches and I was particularly pleased with the puppies as this bodes well for the future.
When it came to BIS I had to step aside as my co-judge had awarded the Dog CC to one that I had bred so our Referee had the enviable task of judging half brother and sister, both of them from his dog.
Veteran (12, 3)
1st Cope's Ch Scalbeck Sophistication at Menander. Dark slate who belied her age. Held her topline throughout and still moved like a youngster. Lovely head and dark eye, good mouth with clean teeth. Deep chest and good length of back with strong rear. Couldn 't be denied first, heading a good class.
2nd. Collins' Ch Luna de Chester at Kingswud. Another slate of slightly smaller stature. Liked her overall balance and outline. In lovely condition and moved out well. Nice dark eye and good front assembly. Well muscled throughout.
3rd. Griggs' Malandex Diamond Xpression For Emazenridge. Liked her overall outline, balance and construction. Good head with dark eye, nice length of back and well angulated rear. Moved out well.
Special Vintage (5, 1)
1st Edwards' Ch Lum-Bi-Ni Hopeful Isabella For Roxilyn (Imp). Dark slate bitch just short of her 14th birthday. Lovely shape and outline and moved out well. Good lay back of shoulder, deep chest and good length of back. Nicely angulated rear. Just tended to lose her topline in the challenge.
2nd. Wood's Ch Pipadene Visionary Spirit For Pepperjay JW. Another dark slate in lovely condition. Slightly bigger all round than 1. Lovely head and expression, good front assembly but tended to lose topline a little on the move.
3rd. Pallavacini 's Int Ch,Ger Ch VDH/CFBRH/HR Ch Midlands-Corner Hazel Muffin Ger VCH. Lovely brown of 14 years. Slightly bigger girl in lovely condition. Good front assembly with nice length of back. Moved well and belied her age.
Minor Puppy (8,2)
A lovely class of babies.
1st Glasgow's Viva The Diva De Chester at Gallus (Imp Fr). Dark slate girl of just 6 months. Her first show. Loved this little girl, yes, she is a little raw at the moment but her movement blew me away. So positive and easy. Lovely shape with good head, nice eye colour and well made front assembly. Good length of back leading to well angulated rear. Lovely temperament and took everything in her stride.
2nd Cooper's Tybury 's Origin Of Hope. Lovely blue girl who was so calm and collected throughout. In good coat of a lovely colour. Liked her head and expression, good front with deep chest. Liked her length and rear assembly. Moved out well.
3rd Edwards' Breaksea It 's Time At Nellbrook. Slightly bigger girl of good quality. Nicely made head with good eye colour. Liked her level topline with well angulated rear and lovely neat hocks. Moved out well with purpose.
Puppy (9,2)
1st Skinner's Valkyrie de Chester at Tamjenta. Lovely mature girl of almost 12 months. Dark slate with a lovely quality coat presented to perfection. Good strong head with lovely dark eye giving that wonderful melting expression. Well laid shoulders with deep chest. Liked her length of back. Well bent stifle and neat hocks. She floated around the ring so effortlessly. BPB and eventually BPIS.
2nd Glasgow's Viva The Diva De Chester at Gallus.
3rd Horne's Potterdale Solitaire of Mintaria. Another dark slate who was unlucky to meet to 1 & 2. Strong head with dark eye, well made front assembly with good length of back. Well angulated rear with good muscle. Moved and showed well.
Junior (3,1)
1st Bird's Wre Write The Stars From Noonie Bears With Bridus (Imp Bel). Dark slate bitch who is starting to come into her own. Good strong head and muzzle, dark eyes giving a lovely expression. Nice front assembly with good length of back. Nice coat texture. Moved and showed well.
2nd Savage & McLean's Strufingill Penny Benjamin at Canaich. This little puppy would not respond at all in the puppy class and gave her handler all sorts of grief. In this class she was a lot better. Settled and responsive and it made such a difference. Dark slate with lovely head and good mouth. Well made throughout, quality coat coming through. Moved with good strides and stood four square.
Yearling (10,2)
1st Baker & Van der Hoef's Malandex Xpression Of Love. Slate going through the pale stage at the moment. Lovely outline on the stance and the move. Liked her head and expression, good mouth and clean teeth. Well made front assembly with good length of back. Stronglh made rear quarters with good muscle tone. Moved positively.
2nd Waldron's Une Histoire D'Amour de Chester With Snowmead JW (Imp Fr). Dark slate of smaller stature. Lovely shoulder placement, good strong head and nice dark eye. Liked her length of back with strong rear which she used to her advantage on the move.
3rd Pedder's Breaksea Sweet Sensation For Caldermist. Pale slate of nice size. Good head and muzzle with nice expression. Liked her overall balance and construction. Good strong rear. Moved out well.
Maiden (8,2)
1st Glasgow's Viva The Diva De Chester at Gallus.
2nd Cooper's Tybury's Origin Of Hope.
3rd Horne's Potterdale Solitaire of Mintaria.
Novice (7,2)
1st Skinner's Valkyrie de Chester at Tamjenta.
2nd Glasgow's Viva The Diva De Chester at Gallus.
3rd Pedder's Breaksea Sweet Sensation For Caldermist.
Debutant (6,3)
1st Glasgow's Viva The Diva De Chester at Gallus
2nd Cooper's Tybury's Origin Of Hope
3rd Horne's Potterdale Solitaire of Mintaria.
Graduate (9,2)
1st Burfitt's Breaksea Timeless. Slate bitch starting to come into her own. Lovely mover, good head and strong muzzle. Well laid shoulders leading to a good length of back. Well angulated front and rear with neat hocks. Moved with ease.
2nd Jenkinson's Irisaddition Victorious With Ellishar JW. Slate bitch with good quality coat. Liked her outline on the stance. Nice head and eye. Good length of back and well constructed throughout. Moved and showed well.
3rd McKelvie's Thingamabob Perfect Pickle. Brown bitch of nice size. Good head with nice eye colour, broad head and muzzle with nice mouth. Liked her front assembly, good length and rear construction. Moved well.
Post Graduate (13, 4).
1st Waldron's There 's Something About de Chester at Snowmead JW (Imp Fr). Slate bitch of lovely size and shape. Good strong head with dark eye giving a lovely expression. Well laid shoulders, deep chest and good length of back. Strongly made rear quarters with neat hocks. Moved out well with positive action.
2nd Price & Horne's Winaria Winter Solstice For Mobuff JW. Another very dark slate of quality. Gave her handler a hard time but settled on the move. Lovely outline. Good head with dark eyes, well laid shoulders with good length of back. Nicely angulated rear. Moved with easy strides.
3rd O'Connell's Potterdale Royal Sapphire of Atherleigh. Paler slate who appealed on the stance. Lovely head and expression, good mouth, well made throughout with good bone. Unfortunately she likes her food a bit too much and this hampered her movement.
Mid Limit (4,2)
1st Carter's Jaroca Josephine At Ravenswyre JW. Dark slate girl of good size. Liked her outline both on the stance and move. Nice strong head with expressive dark eye. Nice neck and shoulders leading to a lovely length of back. Strongly made hindquarters that enabled her to move with drive. This easy effortless movement won her the class.
2nd O'Brien's Another Posh Frock At Sammara JW. Pale slate of smaller stature. Good strong head and muzzle, nice front and angulated rear. In good quality coat and condition. Moved well.
Limit (10,3)
1st Jay's Talraz Song Of Summer. Quality bitch who takes the eye on the move. Liked her head with lovely eye colour. Well laid shoulders and good length of neck and back. In good coat of correct texture. Well muscled rear quarters. Took the floor with long easy strides to win a quality class.
2nd Lewis's Potterdale Plus One. Dark slate bitch of lovely size and type. Loved her shape. Good strong head with nice dark eye, correct front assembly with deep chest, lovely length of back leading to well angulated rear. Unfortunately she wouldn 't co-operate as well on the move which was a real shame.
3rd Kuz's Kiltondale Memphis Belle At Strufingill. Another dark slate of quality. Liked her overall balance and outline. Good head, dark eye and strong muzzle. Well balanced throughout with good angulation. Nice length of back. Moved and showed well. Completed a lovely trio of girls.
Open (11,3).
1st Lewis & Moreland's Ch Potterdale Precious Rose. A bitch that I have always admired from the ringside. Lovely size and shape. Good strong head with broad muzzle. Lovely dark eyes giving that melting expression. Lovely shoulder placement with good deep chest, nice bone with neat feet. Lovely neck leading to good length of back, long ribcage and lovely bend of stifle. Strong rear quarters with neat hocks. She came into her own on the move and floated effortlessly around the ring. The more she moved the better she got. Reminded me so much of my favourite girl Persuasion. Was pleased to award her the CC and was sorry that I couldn 't judge BIS.
2nd Glasgow's Ch Malandex Xpats Gem At Gallus JW. Lovely slate girl who really came into her own on the move. Strong head with lovely expressive dark eyes. Well laid shoulders with deep chest, liked her length of neck and back. Good strong hindquarters that enabled her to move with drive. In the challenge it was this easy movement that gave her the RCC.
3rd Cope's Ch Menander Special Edition. Another dark slate who i have admired from the ringside. I don 't think she went as well today as I have seen her before. Loved her head and dark eye. Well laid shoulders with deep chest. Good length of back with level topline. Nicely muscled rear with good angulation. Neat hocks. Moved and showed well.
Special Open (8,2)
1st River's Ch Orora 's French Silk At Merrimak JW ShCEx OSW. Lovely slate girl of quality. Liked her outline and overall construction. Good head with nice dark eye, good mouth, nicely angulated front and rear. Good length of back and ribcage. Moved with drive.
2nd Bowden's Subessen Heart of Hearts. Lovely slate bitch who is not overdone in any way. Nice size with good head and eye colour. Liked her front assembly and length of back. Well angulated rear. Moved and showed well.
3rd Jenkinson's Irisaddition Victorious With Ellishar JW.
Special Beginners (7,4)
1st Bevis & Newton 's Beabeardies Treacle Toffee at Beardora. Slate bitch who eventually settled down to win the class. Lovely head with nice dark eyes, good mouth. Well laid shoulders and good angulation at the rear. Well balanced. Moved well when focused.
2nd Steele's Rocpen Juro Twill. Very plain slate girl of lovely length. Good head and expression with correct proportions throughout. Appealed on the move but looked bored on the stance which unfortunately held her back.
3rd McKelvie 's Agallaich Peachy Pochle. Slate girl of just 8 months. Did not want to respond to her handler in the puppy class but had really settled down in this class. She is a lovely puppy of quality. Good strong bone, nicely constructed throughout, good length with correct rear angulation and neat hocks. Moved out nicely and enjoyed herself.
Judge - Lesley Tomlinson
Referee's Report
I was asked to judge Best in Show when one of the judges had connections with Dog CC winner. It was a very proud moment for me as the 2 CC winners were out of our Stud Dog. I chose the dog as my Best in Show winner as there was very little to choose between the dog winning his first CC and the Bitch a multiple CC winner in her own right. The Dog just had the edge on its overall balance and slightly better movement on the day. The puppy boy was a very young boy against a puppy bitch coming to her end of a promising puppy show career. I gave it to the Bitch based on her maturity and steady movement.
Referee: Mr Graham Atkins