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Bearded Collie Club Championship Show - 13th July 2024
Judges' Critiques
I must start by saying a big thank you to the Bearded Collie Club and its committee for the work and dedication in making this show run smoothly and efficient, also to my 2 competent stewards Julie and Vicky for keeping the ring moving and me in check (not an easy task). Finally, a thank you to the membership for voting me to judge Dogs at this show, also the exhibitors and your beautiful dogs for the entry you gave me, I was so honoured. Overall, I found the standard of a very high quality and thank you all for persevering with the windy conditions which made my day quite interesting on seeing your dogs cope admirably.
Veteran Dog (6, 1)
1st. Atkins & Charles's Memorylane do the Tra-La-Laa at Snikkles (IMP Fin) JW. 7 yr Slate boy who pulled out all the stops in this high-quality veteran class. Moving with balance and drive covering the ground with ease and in complete unison with handler. Head of good size and proportion, correct angulation in front and rear, nice dark eye complimenting a lovely dark coat. I was very pleased to award this boy BVD.
2nd. Waldron's Ch Snowmead Shades of Gray JW. Another 7yr slate boy with excellent attributes, pushed1 all the way and would probably change places on another day. Again, well balanced holding a level topline throughout and was also in unison with the handler
3rd. Hinchliffe's Pretty Bear Beautiful Bill at Croftdale (IMP Deu). 7½yrs who has a nice dark eye and pigment, complimenting his lovely brown coat. Has good length and well-muscled. Handled sympathetically in the windy conditions
Minor Puppy Dog (No entries)
Puppy Dog (2, 0)
1st. Tomlinson Miller & Fletcher's Memorylane Flirt with Every Skirt (IMP Fin). 11½mth brown in an abundance of coat which was well maintained, adequately muscled and with very nice assembly in front and rear allowing good extension on the move, stood with level topline and showing good shape and poise, Lovely head with good length of rib to loin, so pleased to award this boy BPD and he later went on to achieve BPIS under referee Ellen Sullivan Well Done.
2nd. Dumbrell's Cheryshd The Way You Are by Bethlyntee. 9mth Brown with good head, housing a nice eye and correct bite, moved and handled well
Junior Dog (9, 0)
This Trio of dogs headed up a quality Junior class.
1st. Harcourt-Brown's Orora’s Himself This 16mth brown who is full of charisma showing his socks off for his handler, having a broad flat skull and well arched neck, excellent angulated shoulders allowing good front extension moving out effortlessly covering the ground with ease. Stood confidently with level topline, good depth of chest and well sprung rib showing his wonderful shape and of good proportion all round. His legend in time will come.
2nd. Donald's Bamblemead Bubbles Darlin. Slate boy of almost 19mth in very good condition, nice head with lovely eye, giving exquisite expression, well maintained harsh coat which covered a well sprung rib of good length. Excellently muscled rear allowing good drive, I’m sure this boy will become a real darlin of the future
3rd. Whelan & Young's Blumaci U Son Of The King at Corimist (IMP Fra). 13½mths with black and white markings made the handler work very hard as he was having fun in the windy conditions but once settled, he covered the ground with a lovely gait, nice head and dark eye, good shoulder and body length all in proportion, stood with a nice shape.
Yearling Dog (2, 0)
1st. Pickup's Kiltondale Heat of the Night JW. Very well presented dark slate boy of 23 months showing good ring presence, stood with excellent shape, lovely dark eye and pigment toning very well with his coat. Head of good shape and size having good arch of neck linking to a nice lay of shoulder, adequate length of upper arm, rib of good proportion, having good muscle allowing flowing movement.
2nd. Donald's Bramblemead Bubbles Darlin. This boy didn’t disappoint me in this class but had to give way to maturity and experience today.
Maiden Dog (4, 0)
1st. Tomlinson Miller &anp; Fletcher ' Memorylane Flirt with Every Skirt (IMP Fin) Held his movement and shape to take this class.
2nd. Beech's Highglade Atreyu by Dychix 13mth slate, Not quite as fluent as 1 but has good head and shoulder, with nice length of rib
3rd. Jones' Clanwillow Crown and Glory 13½mth lighter slate boy who showed well with nice angulation, slightly lighter in frame to 1 & 2 but has time to mature
Novice Dog (4, 0)
1st. Beech's Highglade Atreyu by Dychix A different handler for this class and coped better with the wind hence the movement was more settled
2nd. Jones' Clanwillow Crown and Glory. Moved out showing good balance
3rd. Salter's Whole Lotta Love from Noonie Bears by Irisaddition (IMP Bel) 13mth Slate boy, nice eye, good head, well laid shoulder, moved with a nice gait.
Debutant Dog (1, 0)
1st. Jones' Clanwillow Crown and Glory
Graduate Dog (4, 0)
1st. Pickup's Kiltondale Heat of the Night JW Again, showed his attention to the handler and carried on with his flowing movement.
2nd. Butcher's Sylvabrae Newtons Law 2yr Blue dog, good head with nice eye toning correctly with his coat. Nice lay of shoulder & correct rib to loin ratio, good muscle allowing drive and a flowing gait stood with nice shape
3rd. Lewis's Potterdale Platnum Jubilee Slate boy of 2yr a little unsettled on the move, but has a nice shape when stood, showing good length in rib.
Post Graduate Dog (3, 0)
1st. White's Moonhill Rodney Trotter JW. Lovely slate boy at 2yrs coat in very nice condition stood proud with level top line to show his wonderful shape, head of good size and shape housing a dark eye and correct bite, well laid shoulder leading to well-proportioned rib to loin, good muscle allowing drive on the move2nd. Beech's Dychix Never Ending Story. 3½ year very dark slate with dark eye and pigment, handles well and ran 1 very close, again has good shape with all correct proportion moved with flowing gait.
3rd. Hinchliffe's Miners Lake Just for Me at Croftdale (IMP Deu). 6yr boy who is nicely built and has some good attributes. Stood with good outline but just didn’t cope with the conditions today.
Mid Limit Dog (No entries)
Limit Dog (6, 1)
1st. Skinner's Tamjenta Bendelacreme 3yr dark blue with a masculine head, eye and pigment toning correctly. This exuberant boy relished the conditions, he was alert and powerful with his movement. Lovely coat condition flowing across his excellently proportioned frame, very good angulations in front and rear and with good muscle, sympathetically handled.
2nd. Brooks & Grundy's Fraglestone Family Affair. Holding a good frame when stood, good eye toned well with coat, head of good proportions again having nice angulation and muscle tone, moved with reach and drive.
3rd. Salmon's Potterdale Heritage. Very well presented, held good shape both on the move and stood not dissimilar to 1& 2 with all attributes.
Open Dog (12, 2)
This class was with exceptional quality and made my decision very difficult - places could change on another day.
1st. Strzelczyk's FR/LUX/CZE/BEL Ch Corimist The Sun King. 6yr slate boy who oozes confidence giving the handler very little to worry about, masculine head with dark eye and correct bite, good lay of shoulder, depth of chest and length of rib, stood with level topline, showing his wonderful shape. Really well muscled which gave him good reach and drive on the move. Very nicely turned out, I was honoured to make him king of the day and award him the dog CC and he later went on to gain Best in Show under referee’s decision Ellen Sullivan Congratulations.
2nd. Stead & Edwards' Ramsgrove The Great Oopsie. At almost 6yrs this very dark slate boy pushed 1 all the way in excellent show condition behaved impeccably for the handler showing easy flowing movement covering the ground with ease, again has good overall shape, nice size head with good dentitions, Dark eye and pigment toning perfectly with his coat. Well angulated shoulder and excellent length of rib to loin ratio. I was very pleased to award him RDCC to just pip his son who was my limit winner a good family day out.
3rd. Jay's Ch Farmarens Drums of Spring at Talraz(IMP Swe) JW. It was obvious this dark slate boy of 5 ½ years only wanted to please his handler and stood freely, again has good length and shape and in tip top condition moved out with ease and being similar attributes to 1 & 2 was unlucky that the top two were on excellent form today.
Glen Woolley (Judge)
Thank you to the members who voted for me and to Liz Ayrton and Nichola Emmingham for so ably stewarding. A big thank you to the exhibitors for such an excellent entry and as always it was a privilege to be allowed to get my hands on quality Bitches. In some classes the quality meant that I could have done with more red cards and the final decision came down to my own personal preference. I never find it easy to write critiques, as it always feels like you are trying to justify your placings, whilst in my opinion the placings reflect your view of the Bitch.
I did have some concerns on the day particularly with regard to size which makes them appear ‘doggy’. If these had been mixed classes in some cases it would be difficult to say that is a dog or a bitch without getting your hands on them. In December some handlers, dogs and the judge experienced problems with the mats. Today no mats but in places the ring was getting slippy due to the weather and as the wind increased there was quite a bit of rattling etc from the tent. As I felt that some Bitches were not happy with the tent ‘rattles’ I made some allowances for this.
At the end of the day the referee was required for some decisions, which certainly doesn’t detract from the final line up. Well done to all the exhibitors, as at the end of the day you always take the best dog home.
I've always felt that Beardies age well and that was certainly the case today. The whole class was a joy to judge.1st. Bowden's Ch Subessen Blaze Of Fire VW. 10 years old and certainly not showing her age which was certainly reflected in her free flowing, effortless movement. Pleasing head with dark eye. Well put together throughout and presented in first class condition. Pleased to award her the CC and later Best Veteran in Show.
2nd. White's Zoesta Sheer Bliss At Moonhill. 8 years old. Pushed hard for first place and another day they could change places. Feminine head and gentle expression. Balanced throughout with no exaggeration. Movement was positive and easy.
3rd. Wood's Ch Pipadene Visionary Spirit For Pepperjay JW I last judged this girl almost three years ago. She was shown in excellent condition then and still was today. Sympathetically handled she is well balanced, moves to her own beat and a credit to her handler. A month short of her 11th birthday she later took home the rosette for the oldest veteran.
1st. Spinner's Valkyrie De Chester At Tamjenta (Imp France) NAF TAF Just 6 months old. For me presented the perfect picture of what I want to see at this age. Nice shape not hidden by an explosion of coat and going over her she wasn't a disappointment. Good head with dark eye, very balanced and her movement was steady. When you look into her eyes there is a distinct feeling that she has been here before. I hope that she develops with the promise she currently shows. Best Puppy Bitch
2nd. Leckenby's Kiltondale Kisses Of Fire At Briaryburn. 8 month old. Brown who is slightly larger than I would expect at this age. Although well constructed the movement was not as settled as the winner.
1st. Spinner's Valkyrie De Chester At Tamjenta (Imp France) NAF TAF
2nd. Ferrigno's Megamaree Back In Time. 9 months old. Good head and expression. Well angulated throughout, front could be a little tighter but this is only to be expected at this age. Her movement started rather erratic and then she had a golden moment which I certainly enjoyed. Altogether just a typical Beardie enjoying their day out.
3rd. Leckenby's Kiltondale Kisses Of Fire At Briaryburn
1st. Jones' Clanwillow Crystal Bay. 17 month old. Good head, dark eye and the gentlest of expressions. Good depth of chest and length of rib. Correct jacket which just finished the picture. Balance and angulation was certainly reflected in her movement.
2nd. Axford's Bramblemead Sparkling Lady JW. Unlucky to meet the winner. 16 months old. Standing she certainly catches the eye. Good head, nice expression but would prefer a darker eye. Angulation and balance throughout was spot on. Again, another one who covered the ground with ease.
3rd. Atkins & Charles' Clanwillow Crown Of Roses For Snikkles. 14 months old. Nice to go over. Not as settled as above two as she seemed too aware of her surroundings. Movement was good but I felt she wasn't giving her all.
1st. Swaby's Kiltondale Hot Favourite For Marsby. Feminine head and gentle expression but would have liked a slightly darker eye. Good depth of chest and length of rib. Moved out well with determination and drive.
2nd. Fiedler Malandex Most Expressive For Malarkey. Nice head, dark eye and gentle expression. Balanced throughout with good proportions. Moved out well and was just unfortunate in an earlier class not to be placed higher.
3rd. Burfitt's Breaksea Timeless. Presents a nice picture. Feminine head and gentle expression. Well proportioned and balanced angulation throughout. Although shown in excellent condition I feel she is one of those who will continue to improve with age. Sadly, due to handler circumstances beyond her control her movement was not her forte today.
1st. Leckenby's Kiltondale Kisses Of Fire At Briaryburn
1st. Jones' Clanwillow Crystal Bay
1st. Lee-Finglas' Braemoors Quite The Catch For Richeath (Imp NLD) NAF. Good head and eye. Nice type, balanced and well angulated which was reflected in her movement. To be hyper critical I would prefer a little more width of chest. But a quality girl.
2nd. Richards' Wildan's Dark Sky At Elemark. Most pleasing head and expression. Well made throughout however whilst level on the move tended to roach on the stand. Shown in good hard condition and moved out well.
3rd. O'Connell's Potterdale Royal Sapphire Of Atherleigh. Unlucky to meet winners as there is much to like. Good angulation and proportions but movement was not as strong as above two.
1st. Price & Horne's Winaria Winter Solstice For Mobuff JW. Very old fashioned and certainly a pleasure to go over. Feminine throughout with nothing over done. Pleasing head and kind eye which enhanced her expression. Nice depth of chest and length of rib. Her movement was a joy with no wasted energy.
2nd. Carter's Jaroca Josephine At Ravenswyre JW. Having watched her handler ‘battling' with her in the past today was a pleasant surprise. She was calm and well behaved although there was still a touch of mischief in her eyes. Feminine head, well constructed throughout without exaggeration. Certainly did not lack in muscle and her movement was a pleasure.
3rd. Richards' Wildan's Dark Sky At Elemark
This was a quality class and I could have done with a few more red cards.
1st. Burscough's Kilfinan Ladybird. Shown in good hard condition. Good head and expression. Nice reach of neck and excellent depth of chest. Well put together without exaggeration and movement was excellent. Res CC.
2nd. Bird's Irisaddition She's All That With Bridus JW. Lovely bitch. Well made throughout and balanced. Didn't have the depth of chest of winner but certainly a quality bitch. Movement was first class with no wasted energy.
3rd. Stead's Clovabrae Villanelle. Slightly heavier coated than first two but this certainly didn't detract from her shape or balance. Good Head, excellent pigmentation and the gentlest of expressions. Good free flowing movement.
1st. Betts' Ch Pipadene Extraa Hint Of Chilli JW. Presentation is first class and projects the perfect picture. Soundly made and balanced throughout but I would have liked a little more animation. Her movement was free flowing and covered the ground well.
2nd. Cousson';s Signature De Chester. Heavily coated which slightly detracts from her full outline. However, she is good to go over with nothing over or under done. Pleasing head and gentle expression. She can certainly cover the ground with ease.
3rd. Harcourt-Brown's Ch Orora's Oriana. Not a flash girl but certainly well made. A lot to like about her but I felt that she will improve more as she ages and fills out a little. However, her movement was first class.
Cath Parker(Judge)
Referee's Report
It was an honour to be asked to Referee at the above show today, and I would like to thank the Membership for voting for me, and the Committee for inviting me to officiate. I also need to thank Lesley Brookes for driving me to the show against her better judgement. I woke up with a migraine (my first in over 20 years) and without her help I would not have been able to attend.
Glenn Woolley found his DCC winner in Strzelczyk’s six year old Multi/UK Ch Corimist The Sun King (Fra) from the Open class, and Cath Parker found her BCC winner in Bowden’s 10 year old Ch Subessen Blaze of Fire JW from the Veteran class, however without a definitive decision from these judges I was called in to adjudicate for Best In Show, and later Best Puppy In Show
Regarding Best In Show, both were lovely specimens of the breed and well able to hold their own in any company. The dog is masculine viewed from any angle and the bitch is sooo feminine there was no mistaking their sexes. Going over both exhibits was an absolute pleasure with everything in the right places.
The dog was alert and charismatic and had an abundance of ring presence. He moved with long reaching front strides, pushing well from the rear to give him a smooth workmanlike gate. The bitch moved well, but today lacked the je ne sais quoi I know she has and did not offer the dog the competition I would have hoped for. Ultimately, I gave Best In Show to the dog, Multi/UK Ch Corimist The Sun King (Exp Fra), and Ch Subessen Blaze of Fire JW was Reserve Best In Show, and was also awarded Best Veteran In Show on a joint decision between the other judges.
For Best Puppy In Show Glenn Woolley put through Tomlinson/Miller/Fletcher’s almost one year old Memory Lane Flirt With Every Skirt (Imp Fin), and Cath Parker put through Skinner’s six month old Valkyrie de Chester at Tamjenta (Imp Fra). THese were two very lovely puppies at very different stages in their development, with the dog looking very mature for his age. Despite the age difference the bitch gave the dog a run for his money, with both displaying excellent reach, drive and poise considering their young ages, but Memory Lane Flirt With Every Skirt (Imp Fin) just pipped the beautiful puppy bitch to the post on movement today. I am very sure that both will have very bright futures.
Ellen Sullivan (Referee)